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If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan?
"Cool hash page"
December 2002


By Jason Boland

Well welcome everybody to Willies place
You can pull up a chair or you can pull up my face
We got everything,
The only thing that we lack
is a rich young dumb nymphomaniac

I wanna rich young dumb nymphomaniac
To drive me around in her cadillac
If she's not down on her knees
She will be flat on her back
I wanna rich young dumb nymphomaniac

We'll give her great big tits
And a little bitty ass
A fucking machine that never runs out of gas
A body like nobody's ever seen before
She recently inherited a liquor store

I wanna rich young dumb nymphomaniac
To drive me around in her cadillac
If she's not down on her knees
She will be flat on her back
I wanna rich young dumb nymphomaniac

Well she doesn't wanna marry
And she doesn't wanna fight
She doesn't get two shit if I stay out all night
I bring home another woman
She just gives me a smile
Take off our clothes then we buck in a pile

I wanna rich young dumb nymphomaniac
To drive me around in her cadillac
If she's not down on her knees
She will be flat on her back
I wanna rich young dumb nymphomaniac

Make her a magic fingers mama
That can roll up my doobs
The best in the west at cooking chinese food
She doesn't to shop and she doesn't wear clothes
She always compliments me on the size of my hose

I wanna rich young dumb nymphomaniac
To drive me around in her cadillac
If she's not down on her knees
She will be flat on her back
I wanna rich young dumb nymphomaniac

We'll make her three feet tall
And stand about to here
With a flat spot on her head
So I can rest my beer

I wanna rich young dumb nymphomaniac
To drive me around in her cadillac
If she's not down her knees
She will be flat on her back
I wanna rich young dumb nymphomaniac

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